Funkify by Spatial Pixel

  • OpenAI API Key

  • Hugging Face API Key

  • Local Service URL and Port
  • Note that this isn't best practice to enter an API key into a web app like this. While it is only stored in your browser, this means a malicious script or browser extension could still access it. Ensure your account has strict limits on API spend and change this API key often. Read and audit any code you use as functions.


Funkify is a playground for experimenting with function calling in large language models, like models from OpenAI and Hugging Face.

Funkify currently supports the following LLM providers:

  1. OpenAI (requires an API key)
  2. Hugging Face (requires an access token)
  3. Local hosting (provide a URL to an OpenAI-compatible LLM server

The project is currently built and maintaned by William Martin at Spatial Pixel. The code is found here on GitHub.


Function Calls